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Uptown/Downtown: Diary of a Hong Kong Dyke in Nineties Toronto | Karen B. I Was Miss General Idea | Derek McCormack Take Me Away to Another World | Rebecka Sheffield ‘A New Way of Lovin’’: Queer Toronto Gets Schooled by Jackie Shane | Steven Maynard Any Other Way is an eclectic and richly illustrated local history that reveals how these individuals and community networks have transformed Toronto from a place of churches and conservative mores into a city that has consistently led the way in queer activism, not just in Canada but internationally.įrom the earliest pioneers to the parades, pride and politics of the contemporary era, Any Other Way draws on a range of voices to explore how the residents of queer Toronto have shaped and reshaped one of the world’s most diverse cities.Īny Other Way includes chapters on: Oscar Wilde’s trip to Toronto early cruising areas and gay/lesbian bars queer shared houses a pioneering collective counter-archive project bath house raids LBGT-police conflicts the Queen Street art/music/activist scene and a profile of Jackie Shane, the trans R&B singer who performed in drag in both Toronto and Los Angeles, and gained international fame with her 1962 chart-topping single, ‘Any Other Way.’ Toronto is home to multiple and thriving queer communities that reflect the dynamism of a global city.

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